Wicklow Notes week beg 10 February
Wicklow Man
The Wicklow Man every Tuesday night slot at the Brockagh Centre on Tuesday nights from 9.30 p.m.
Operation Transformation
Last few weeks of Operation Transformation – don’t forget the 100 euro prize for most weight lost (thanks to Denis Carter). The meet-ups are 7pm in the Brockagh Centre on Tuesday nights for weigh-in, short talk and walk – (note there is a 1 euro charge on Tuesday nights) and on Saturday mornings at 10 am either at the Visitor Centre in Glendalough or Brockagh Centre. People welcome to join at any time. Please wear suitable footwear and clothing, wear a High Visibility reflective jacket/ vest and bring a torch (for night walk). For further information check out our facebook page Laragh Glendalough Operation Transformation www.facebook.com/laragh.glendalough.operation.transformation) or call us on (0404) 45600.
Living Willow Workshop
This full day course will teach you the basic techniques required to make living willow tunnels, arches and fencing for your garden. We will meet at the Brockagh Resource Centre, Laragh, Co. Wickow on Saturday 1 March from 9.30 a.m. until 4.30 p.m. The course will take place in the community garden in Laragh, only a few minutes walk from the Brockagh Resource Centre. Cost 70 euro per person (materials and tools supplied). If you have your own secateurs bring it along. There will be tea, coffee and biscuits provided, please bring your own packed lunch. As this course will take place outdoors, please wear sturdy boots and bring along waterproof clothing and a good warm coat and hat. Advance booking and payment is required to ensure your place. For bookings or queries please call Aoife on 087 9773622 or email wicklowwillow@gmail.com.
Fitness Classes
Bootcamp with Paul Healy back on Monday nights from 8.15 – 9 p.m. Also junior and senior Tae Kwon Do on Monday and Friday nights. Contact Paul on 087 2484570. Circuit Training with Peter is on Thursday nights from 6.45-7.45 p.m. Contact Peter on 087 6319686. Badminton Play for Men and Women (Senior) every Tuesday 8-9 p.m. & Thursday evening 9-10 p.m. Juniors Tues 7-8.p.m. & Thurs 8-9.p.m. No equipment necessary – racquets etc available to newcomers. Contact Finian on 086-2476822.
Community Awareness of Drugs
Who talks to your children about drugs? The C.A.D. “Family Focus” programme
is a series of six two and a half hour sessions which provides participants with an opportunity to: Update information on drugs and their effects, Explore attitudes, beliefs and
decisions related to drug misuse, Develop a family-orientated drug prevention strategy . What Parents Say – “ Every parent should do this course”, “ It gave me a lot of information to talk over with family and friends”. To register your interest call us on (0404) 45600
Gymboree Play and Music
Gymboree Play & Music! Every Friday morning at 10 a.m. in the Brockagh Centre. Suitable for babies, toddlers and pre-school children from 6months -4years! Come along and teach your child a love of music through songs, dance, games and musical instruments. Booking is essential as places are limited – contact Rachel on 086 8330212 to book your place
Get Online Course (Benefit 4)
Book into our 4 week online learning course this week. Learn lots of useful online fun and practical things to do. Friendly, pressure free environment, for free if you are over 65yrs and €15 if you are under. We welcome back all our previous Online Students that did Benefit 3 or Benefit 4 courses.
Basketry Workshop
This full day course will teach you the basic techniques required to make a traditional skib/potato basket to take home. The course will take place at the Brockagh Resource Centre, Laragh, Co. Wicklow on Saturday 8 March from 9.30 a.m. until 4.30 p.m.. Cost 70 euro per person (materials and tools supplied). If you have your own secateurs bring it along. There will be tea, coffee and biscuits provided, please bring your own packed lunch. No experience is required. Advance booking and payment is required to ensure your place. For more details, please contact Aoife at 087-9773622 or email wicklowwillow@gmail.com.
Moneystown Community Centre
The Wicklow Man will play in Moneystown Community Centre on Friday 14 February from 9.30 p.m. til 12 midnight. Come along and enjoy a night of waltzing, jive etc. Teas, door prizes, refreshments also available.
Masters of Running Workshop
“Don’t just run, train to be a runner.” The proven principles of the world’s leading athletics and movement coaches are packaged for you in a 2-day running camp for runners of all levels and abilities. Learn all the skills you need for a lifetime of strong, injury-free and enjoyable running in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. The workshops take place in the Brockagh Centre over the weekend of 15 to 16 February and are strictly limited to 16 people. Book on-line at www.championseverywhere.com or call Jason Kehoe on 085-1414141.
AA Meetings
Closed AA Meetings are held in the Brockagh Resource Centre at 8.30 pm every Monday night. If you think that you may have a problem with alcohol please come along.