Laragh & Glendalough News
Issue 199 – April 2014
Sponsored by Community Alert
St. Kevin’s Parish
Holy Week Ceremonies |
Tuesday 15th April | |
8 pm |
Penitential Service |
Holy Thursday 17th April | |
10 am |
Morning Prayer |
7 pm |
Mass of the Last Supper |
Good Friday 18th April | |
10 am |
Morning Prayer and Confessions |
11 am |
Stations of the Cross in the Valley led by Fr. Michael Rodgers – meet at the Visitors’ Centre |
3 pm |
Solemn Liturgy of the Passion |
7 pm |
Stations of the Cross (dramatised) |
Easter Saturday 19th April | |
10 am |
Morning Prayer and Confessions |
9 pm |
Solemn Easter Vigil |
Easter Sunday 20th April | |
9.30 am |
Mass |
11.30 am |
Mass |
IHF Cycle Challenge
Hi everyone. I am continuing my cycle adventures with the Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) for the fourth year in a row. This year we cycle 700 kms from San Sebastian to Barcelona. As usual, I pay my own costs of €1,000 but need to fund-raise the balance of €1,650.
First up is my annual Fun Table Quiz in the Glendalough Hotel on Friday 25th April (team of four – €40). Emphasis will be on the fun aspect with music, sports, general knowledge and all kinds of trivia. All funds will go towards the IHF ‘Nurses for Night Care’ programme which supports families in their own home coping with serious/terminal illness. I look forward to your continued support for this extremely worthy cause.
Tom Miley
Operation Transformation in Laragh
Well done to Wendy Byrne who won 1st prize for Laragh Glendalough Operation Transformation. Catherine Hanlon and Deborah McCoy shared joint second. Many thanks to Denis Carter for sponsoring 1st prize. It was a great success with 190 pounds (13 and half stone) lost among the participants. Some of the group are continuing to meet up on Tuesday nights at 7 pm at the Brockagh Centre for a weigh-in and a walk. Check out the Laragh Glendalough Walking Group on Facebook.
Living Willow Workshop
This full day course will teach you the basic techniques required to make living willow tunnels, arches and fencing for your garden. It will take place outdoors at the Brockagh Centre on Saturday 29th March from 9.30 am until 4.30 pm. Please wear sturdy boots and bring along waterproof clothing and a good warm coat and hat. The cost is €70 per person (materials and tools are supplied). If you have your own secateurs please bring them with you. There will be tea, coffee and biscuits provided but you should bring your own packed lunch. Advance booking and payment is required. For bookings or queries please call Aoife on 087-9773622 or email
Czech Twinning Visit
Preparations are continuing for the visit of our Czech friends from 22nd to 27th May inclusive. Anyone interested in participating in any way is more than welcome. Contact Brendan at 0404-45167 for more information.
St. John’s Church
There will be no service in St. John’s or St. Saviour’s on Sunday 30th March – a combined service for Mothering Sunday will take place in Glenealy at 10.45 am.
On Easter Day, 20th April, Holy Communion service will take place in St. John’s at 9.15 am.
Annamoe Centre
Bowls Games take place on Tuesdays at 7.30 pm.
Fun Céilí Our next Family Fun Céilí takes place on 28th March at 8 pm. All are welcome.
Pure Mile We are looking for as much help as possible with the Pure Mile this year.
Tractor Car Run This event takes place on 27th April starting at noon.
Kirikee Drama Group Production
Kirikee Drama Group will present Jimmy Keary’s hilarious comedy “Mother Knows Best” in the Brockagh Centre at 8 pm on Saturday and Sunday 12th and 13th April (please note changes from previously advertised details).
Tidy Towns
An Taisce National Spring Clean takes place from 1st to 30th April. Please come along to help Tidy Towns spring-clean Laragh/Glendalough at 11 am on Saturday 5th April. Meet opposite Lynhams.
St. Kevin’s Way
The ‘Friends of St. Kevin’s Road’ invite everyone who would like to take part in a walk along this medieval pilgrim path to meet at the Visitor Centre car park in Glendalough on Easter Saturday, April 19th at 9.30 am. A bus (€4) will drop participants at the start of the 11 km walk (you can also arrange your own transport or join up with the group mid-way). It is hoped to arrive at the UpperLake for a picnic lunch at approximately 1 pm. For further information call Bébhinn and Eleanor on 086-4090289 or email
The Brockagh Resource Centre
Car Boot Sale
The next Car Boot Sale takes place on Sunday 6th April – many items are new or nearly new. We also have home-baking, jams, plants and crafts. Take this great opportunity to de-clutter! Vans must be booked in. Contact us on 0404-45600.
Tuesday Night – Dance Night
Social dancing continues every Tuesday night from 9.30 pm until late.
Elevation Dance School
ElevationDanceSchool’s jazz and modern theatre classes for children and teens focus on technique and discipline while encouraging fun and fitness in a relaxed atmosphere. Skills are show-cased in an annual end-of-year production. Classes for all ages take place on Wednesday from 3.15 pm. Drama classes take place on Tuesday afternoons. Contact Kate on 086-8256775 for more details.
Circuit Training & Kettle Bells
Circuit training is an excellent way to improve mobility, strength and stamina. Using the kettle bell as a tool gives you fat-burning cardio, strength-building core and muscle-toning resistance – and helps burn calories fast. Women can work at a level appropriate to their physique. Training takes place every Thursday night from 6.45 to 7.45 pm. For further information call Peter on 087-6319686.
Yogatree Yoga
Yogatree yoga is suitable for all ages and abilities from beginners to more advanced students. The class takes place from 6.45 to 8.15 pm on Wednesdays. Yoga helps relaxation, de-stressing, flexibility and improved health. Contact Yogatree on 0404-40000 for more details.
Leinster Nutrition’s bootcamps are for both men and women and include cardio, circuit, core work, kettlebells and boxercise (punching a pad). The classes start at beginner level fitness and increase in difficulty as time goes on. You will get in shape, lose weight, tone up and become strong. Bootcamp costs €80 for a block of 10 classes (includes a free t-shirt) or you can pay-as-you-go for €10 per class. A new session commences on Monday 31st March in the Brockagh Centre (8.15 to 9 pm). Contact Paul on 087-2484570 to book.
Get Yourself On-Line
Get Yourself on Line is a course to help those with little or no experience of the internet. It introduces email attachments, search engines, on-line transactions, podcasts, playbacks, Skype, on-line banking and buying on-line. The four-week course (2 hours per class, morning, afternoon or evening) is free to those over 65 and costs €15 to those aged under 65. Those who have done our previous ‘Benefit 3’ or ‘Benefit 4’ courses are eligible for funding again. We can only offer this course until the end of May so please register your interest now by calling Laragh IT on 0404-45600.
Citizens Information
The Citizens Information Centre at the Brockagh Resource Centre is open for information relating to your rights and entitlements from 10 am until noon on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. The next clinics will take place on Tuesdays 1st and 15th April. No appointment is necessary for this free and confidential service.
Mobile Library
The mobile library visits Laragh every second Thursday from 12 noon until 12.50 pm. The first 10 minutes are spent outside the Brockagh Centre and the rest of the time is spent outside Lynhams. The next dates are Thursdays 3rd and 17th April.
World Day of Prayer
The Christian women of Egypt prepared the service for the World Day of Prayer held in St. Kevin’s church on 7th March. Their theme was “Streams in the Desert”, which was supported by the scripture text from John’s gospel, ‘The Samaritan Woman’, very reverently dramatised by Helen, Lin and Michael. An uplifting reflection was given by Sr. Mary Ryan and a liturgical dance was led by Sr. Breda Ahearn. The service finished with a cup of tea and scones. Sincere thanks to all who participated, attended or helped. The collection amounted to €177 and Helen has forwarded it to the Committee, World Day of Prayer, Ireland.
Kinesiology Clinic
Rosaleen Durkin’s kinesiology sessions for children and adults use muscle bio-feedback to test for common food sensitivities and correct nutritional imbalances in the body. Kinesiology can also provide help with skin conditions and sleeping, digestive and concentration problems. The next clinics take place on Thursdays 27th March and 24th April at the Brockagh Centre.
Rosaleen also works with children and adults with learning difficulties (AD/HD, dyslexia, Asperger’s Syndrome). For appointments or further information call Rosaleen on 087-2195931.
Laragh Glendalough Active Retirement
Our next lunch date will be on Tuesday 1st April in The Wicklow Heather at 12.45 pm. We also meet up every Tuesday at 11 am in the Brockagh Centre for a bit of fun, light exercise and a cuppa.
Glendalough Arts Network
Midsummer Festival
The Glendalough Arts Network is delighted to announce the return of the Midsummer Festival on Saturday June 21st. This community-focused event will feature music, family games, an arts and crafts market, local produce and more. We are calling on all artists, performers, musicians, speakers, poets and storytellers (as well as volunteers and sponsors) to come on board to make this year’s festival another great event. Phone Deborah on 086-8432853 or Pauline on 086-3120322 or visit
Fireside Sessions
Check out our website for forthcoming events and information on the Fireside Sessions or send us your email address to be added to our mailing list.
W.W.O.O.F. Comes to Glendalough
As part of the Glendalough Arts Network (GAN) Fireside Session starting at 7.30 pm on Friday 28th March in Glendalough Green, WWOOF Ireland will make a presentation about the ‘History of WWOOF’ (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms). This will be followed by other ‘elements’ including music from GAN and WWOOF members – food and wine will be available.
Then on Sunday 30th March, the WWOOF Ireland Team invites you to a lunchtime information session from 1 pm in the Green Room of the Brockagh Centre. There will be displays and information to take away and some organic lunchtime snacks to sample!
Soul in Hands Holistic Health Club
Soul in Hands Holistic Health Club is based in the massage clinic at Glendalough House, Annamoe. The club aims to empower small groups of people with the information, resources and practical skills to improve their own health and well being in a fun and informal atmosphere. The monthly seminars (€15) are 1½ hours long and will start in April. The first topic is “Natural Beauty: understanding harmful ingredients, natural facial treatments and daily facial exercises”. All are welcome. For more information contact Elena on 086-3283658.
Footfalls Step Out
Footfalls Step Out, a new walking and weight loss program, begins on 31st March. On Mondays the group will meet at 7 pm in the coffee lounge of the Glendalough Hotel prior to a walk. A weigh-in (optional) and a short group meeting will be held on Thursdays at 7 pm at the Brockagh Centre; this will also be followed by a walk. The cost is €5. Please contact Sarah on 087-6235510 or email for more information.
Mass for Deceased Forestry Staff
A Mass to remember deceased forestry staff will be celebrated in St. Kevin’s Church at noon on Saturday 10th May. There will be refreshments and chat in the Brockagh Centre afterwards; proceeds go to the local branch of SVP. All are welcome.
Adult Guidance Service
The Adult Career Guidance Service at the Brockagh Centre is free, friendly, confidential, supportive and available to all adults over the age of 18. For more details call Irene on 086-8061569.
Epilepsy Ireland Collection
Thanks to all who contributed to the recent church gate collection for Epilepsy Ireland which realised €351.61. Special thanks to the collectors.
If you have a medical condition like epilepsy or diabetes and are interested in wearing an ID bracelet with details and a contact for next-of-kin checkout
Scoil Chaoimhín Naofa
Rang 5 and 6 received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday March 14th. Monsignor Enda Lloyd joined Fr. Crotty for the service. Thank you to all who helped prepare the pupils for this day, especially Sr. Doreen from the Hermitage who worked with Múinteoir Rebecca. Thank you also to all who helped with the catering.
Trail Fun Run
Many thanks to all who participated in or helped with the very successful Trail Run which raised over €2,000. Well done to Anthony Finn and the Parents’ Association for organising the event.
Sponsored Walk
The annual sponsored walk will take place on Friday 11th April. This is a fun day for all pupils and an important fundraising event for resources and activities. Your support will be appreciated.
Cycling Training
Rang 5 and 6 are learning about safe cycling. There will be tuition on the roads on the next two Fridays… so watch out, there will be cyclists about!
New Build
We are delighted to announce that due to increased numbers we have been given funding by the Department of Education for a small extension.
Tranquillity Sunday
Tranquillity Sundays offer a chance to celebrate the Sabbath in silence, prayer and rest. All are welcome to the Glendalough Hermitage Centre between 10.30 am and 4.30 pm on the first Sunday of the month. Our next Tranquillity Sunday will be on 6th April. Phone 087-9356696 or just drop in.
Laragh GFC
Senior Football
After losing our first league match against Ashford we won our away game against Hollywood 1-13 to 0-09. Scorers: Damien Hanlon 1-02; Steve Olohan 0-04; Christy Merrigan 0-02; John Nolan 0-02; Andrew Kenny 0-01; Jack Dunne 0-01; Davie McDonald 0-01. Keep it up, lads, after this great win and make sure you attend the training sessions in the field on Monday and Wednesday nights.
We would like to welcome John Murphy into the club after his transfer from An Tochar.
Juvenile Development
Our juvenile training will be starting shortly. It will be held in the field on Wednesday evenings.
It’s great to see so many of our U13s and U14s involved with the County development squad.
Membership fees are now overdue and can be given to any committee member.
County Development Draw
Tickets for the county development draw cost €50 for 3 draws and are available from any committee member. The first draw is in early April.
Code Of Ethics and Garda Vetting
Code of ethics courses are currently being held around the county. Anyone coaching or helping out with juveniles this year will have to be Garda-vetted. For more details, contact Fergal Olohan.
Well done to Steve Olohan on representing his county at U21 level – unfortunately, Wicklow lost out to Laois by a single point. Steve also won a senior Munster final with his college WIT and went on to win the All-Ireland final against DIT.
Congratulations to Gary and Alison Cullen on the birth of their son, Senan.
Congratulations also to local girl Katie Miley on being selected to represent Ireland in U16 soccer.
Musical Treat
The beautiful voices and tunes of Rincon University High School Choir from Tucson, Arizona and the blackened faces, turbans and kilts of the Britannia Coconut Dancers from Lancashire in England (and their brass band) combined to provide a musical treat for those who attended their performance(s) in Laragh on Sunday 16th March. St. Kevin’s Church choir joined in the show with a heart-warming rendition of Till We Meet Again and received a standing ovation from the visitors. Many thanks to Angela, Rose, Fr. Crotty, the two Margarets, Imelda and all others who helped out.
Please leave articles for the next issue into W. McCoy’s by 20th April; alternatively email them to
This Newsletter is produced by the Parish Development & Renewal Group