Laragh Glendalough May Newsletter

Laragh & Glendalough News

Issue 200 – May 2014 Celebrating Bealtaine

Sponsored by Laragh Glendalough & District Active Retirement Association


Bealtaine Festival

May belongs to the Bealtaine festival which is a celebration of older age – below are some of the highlights of this year’s Bealtaine at the Brockagh.  The rest of the activities you will find in the enclosed brochure.

Active Retirement Regular Events

Our next lunch is in Lynhams on Tuesday 6th May at 12.45 pm.  We also meet up every Tuesday morning at 11 am in the Brockagh Centre for a bit of fun, light exercise and a cuppa.  Everyone is very welcome to come along and try us out.

Go for Life Games

Laragh Glendalough Active Retirement invites you to come along to the Brockagh Centre at 11am on Tuesday 6th May and try out the Go for Life Games.  Learn how to “lob”, play Scidils and Flisks – simple but skilful games for a fun morning.  Please call Bernadette on 0404-45600 to find out more.

I’ll Live ’til I Die

In the late 1930s, all through the war years, and for many years afterwards, balladeer Delia Murphy had the nation singing along with her in songs like The Spinning Wheel, Three Lovely Lassies from Bannion and The Blackbird.  Come along at 3 pm on Sunday 11th May and hear some of her songs as well as stories from her life.  Contact Bernadette on 0404-45600 for further information.

Musical Coffee Morning

A musical coffee morning, with special guests DavidsonCollege church choir and members of the Co. Wicklow Get Vocal choir, will commence at 11.30 am on Tuesday 20th May in St. Kevin’s Church, Laragh and continue afterwards with refreshments in the Brockagh Centre.  Entrance is free but donations to the Irish Heart Foundation and Make a Wish Foundation will be welcome.  For more information call 0404-45600.

Afternoon Tea Dance

Laragh Glendalough Active Retirement Association is hosting an afternoon tea dance on Sunday 25th May from 3 to 6 pm.  Music will be by the Wicklow Man.  Admission is €5 and refreshments will be served.

Queens of Pimlico

The Garden Theatre Company presents Derek Masterson’s The Queens of Pimlico at 8 pm on Saturday 31st May. This two-act play set in the Dublin tenements of the early 1950s will leave audiences with smiles on their faces and tears on their cheeks.  Admission is €8 (€5 for OAPs).


Community Alert – Text Alert

Community Alert, in co-operation with An Garda Síochána, has been instrumental in setting up a number of text-alerting areas around the country.  The idea is simple: where a community joins the scheme the local Garda station will send text alerts to all registered members of the community should the Gardaí become aware of suspicious activity or unwanted visitors in the area.  Signs will also be positioned on the approach roads identifying the locality as a Text Alert Area.

The community in Roundwood has already decided to join the scheme.  A Garda presentation and a meeting to consider whether the Laragh/Glendalough community also wishes to take part will be held in the Brockagh Resource Centre on Tuesday May 6th at 8 pm.  All are welcome.


The AGM of the Glendalough and District Development Association will be held in the Brockagh Resource Centre at 8 pm on Tuesday 13th May.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

Tidy Towns

During the summer months our clean-up will take place on the first Tuesday of each month.  On 6th May we will meet at 7.30 pm opposite Lynham’s.  New helpers are always welcome.

Sponsor an issue – please contact Nuala at 45167.

IHF Cycle Challenge Fundraisers

Table Quiz

The Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) table quiz held on Friday 25th April in the Glendalough Hotel was, once again, a great success and raised over €850.  We had 12 tables with a close battle all the way through.  First prize was generously sponsored by ‘The Wicklow Heather’ restaurant.  Many thanks to The Glendalough Hotel, Lynhams, McCoys, Glendalough Green, Soul in Hands (Elena) and Jackie Carroll (hairstylist) for their support.  Thanks also to Paddy O’Brien for the questions, Simon (Mastermind) Hand, the compère, Gerard Duffy, the sound man, and my lovely assistants Rachel, Ciara and Mary.  Thanks again to everyone who turned up on the night and a special word to my faithful regulars who never let me down when it comes to a worthy cause.  You know who you are.

Night of Music and Craic

Prepare to be entertained as we conclude our fundraising in Lynhams on Friday 23rd May with a night of music and craic provided by Anthony, Aoife and special guests.  The highlight will be a draw for concert tickets for Christy Moore, Dawn French, The Coronas (thanks Darren) and James Taylor generously supplied by Robbie Ryan.  All you have to do to be in the draw is sponsor me for €5 (or three entries for €10); you can also sponsor me by using the following link:

Thank you to everyone for their contributions and continued support.

Tom Miley (087-4178741)

Mobile Library

The mobile library visits Laragh every second Thursday from 12 noon until 12.50 pm.  The first ten minutes are spent outside the Brockagh Centre and the rest of the time is spent outside Lynhams.  The next dates for the library visit are Thursdays 8th and 22nd May.

Citizens Information

The Citizens Information Centre at the Brockagh Resource Centre is open for information relating to your rights and entitlements from 10 am until noon on the first and third Tuesdays of each month.  The next clinics will take place on Tuesdays 6th and 20th May.  No appointment is necessary for this free and confidential service.

Adult Guidance Service

Don’t forget about the Adult Career Guidance Service available at the Brockagh Centre.  This careers/education service is free, friendly, confidential, supportive and available to all adults over 18 years of age.  For more information or to book an appointment please contact Irene Hayden on 086-8061569.


St. Kevin’s Way A One-Day Camino

To celebrate the feast of St. Kevin (3rd June) the Glendalough Hermitage Team has organised two walks on Saturday 31st May.

Walk 1: This will commence at the church in Hollywood at 9 am and will finish by the UpperLake in Glendalough at 4 pm.

Walk 2: This will commence at the Green Road, near the Woollen Mills, at 2 pm and will also finish at 4 pm by the UpperLake.

The concluding prayer at the end of both walks will be led by Fr. Michael Rodgers.

It is advisable to wear suitable clothing, footwear and to have a walking stick.  Please bring a packed lunch (walk 1) and drinks.  There is no registration fee but booking is essential.  Please contact Glendalough Hermitage Centre on 087-9356696.


ASH Sponsored Dog Walk

A sponsored Dog Walk in aid of ASH Animal Rescue takes place from the Brockagh Centre on Sunday 11th May.  If you don’t have a dog of your own or would like to give a rescue dog a little extra love and exercise then please contact our volunteer Jane who will organise an ASH dog for you to walk on the day.  We look forward to seeing you and your own dogs at the event for a lovely walk followed by a catch-up over a cup of tea and a bikkie – for the dogs and ourselves!  For sponsorship forms and/or to book a Rescue Dog for the day please call Jane on 086-3842333, email or visit


Mass for Deceased Forestry Staff

A Mass to remember deceased forestry staff will be celebrated in St. Kevin’s Church at noon on Saturday 10th May.  There will be refreshments and chat in the Brockagh Centre afterwards; proceeds go to the local branch of SVP.  All are welcome.

Footfalls Step Out

Footfalls Step Out, a walking and back to basics weight loss program, continues twice weekly.  On Mondays the group meets at 7 pm at the Visitor’s Centre in Glendalough while on Thursdays the meeting starts at 7 pm in the Brockagh Centre.  The cost is €5 per week.  Please contact Sarah on 087-6235510 or email for more information.


Kinesiology Clinic

Rosaleen Durkin’s kinesiology sessions for children and adults use muscle bio-feedback to test for common food sensitivities (dairy, gluten, wheat, sugar, eggs, tomatoes, etc.) and to detect and correct mineral and nutritional imbalances in the body.  Kinesiology can also provide help with skin conditions and sleeping, anxiety, digestive and concentration problems.  The next clinic takes place on Thursday 29th May at the Brockagh Centre.

Rosaleen also works with children and adults with learning difficulties (AD/HD, dyslexia, Asperger’s Syndrome).  For appointments or further information call Rosaleen on 087-2195931 or visit


The Brockagh Resource Centre

Car Boot Sale

The next Car Boot Sale will take place on Sunday 4th May – take this opportunity to de-clutter!  This is also a great place to get a bargain as many items are new or nearly new.  We also have food stalls, home-baking, jams, plants and crafts.  Vans must be booked in.  Contact us on 0404-45600.

Tuesday Night – Dance Night

Social dancing continues every Tuesday night from 9.30 pm until late.

Yogatree Yoga

Yogatree yoga is suitable for all ages and abilities from beginners to more advanced students.  A new session commences on Wednesday 14th May (6.45 to 8.15 pm) – if you have always wondered about yoga, come along and try this out.  Enjoy your body and its abilities, feel stronger and more relaxed and enjoy the friendly social atmosphere.  Yoga helps with relaxation, de-stressing, flexibility and improved health.  Please contact Yogatree on 0404-40000 for more information.


Gymboree is back at 10 am on Friday 2nd May.  Gymboree is a musical-themed class of active fun promoting a love of music through song, dance, movement games and instruments. Children explore the power of rhythm, melody, tonality and beat while developing physical, social and intellectual skills.  Activities vary depending on children’s ages and abilities, and include our famous ‘Parachute and Bubble Time’.  Booking is essential as places are limited – please contact Rachel on 086-8330212.


Remembering WW1 – 1914

Martin Swords is appealing to readers to send him (c/o the Brockagh Resource Centre) any family memories, photos (or even just the names and details) of anyone from the greater Glendalough area who fought, died or was injured in WW1.  At this remove, 100 years on, it may be possible to remember and talk about things which were difficult to discuss heretofore.  Martin hopes to publish a pamphlet collecting this information later in this anniversary year.  He can be contacted on 087-2600548.



A soldier of The Great War

I was a soldier once

Now a bright white stone

I was a squaddie

Marching in step

Now I stand in line

Straight serried rank

I was a village lad

Laughing with the boys

Having a harvest beer

Now I stand forever

With my mates

No beer no harvest

Only the reaping of the dead

A generation cropped

Short before its bloom

Martin Swords

March 2014


We extend our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Lyla Steele who was laid to rest on Monday 14th April in BrockaghCemetery.  May she rest in eternal peace.

Annamoe Centre

Bowls  Games continue on Tuesdays at 7.30 pm.

Fun Céilí  Our next Family Fun Céilí takes place on 30th May at 8 pm.  All are welcome.

Pure Mile  We have started work on our entry for this year’s Pure Mile – more help is always appreciated.

Tractor Car Run  Many thanks to all who supported the run this year – it was a great day and drew a big crowd.


National Dawn Chorus Day

Sunday 18th May is National Dawn Chorus Day at Glendalough.  Birdwatch Ireland will host a free guided walk where people can listen to and learn the birds’ songs.  Adults and children are welcome (but no dogs please).  Meet at 5 am at the Information Office, Upper Lake.  The normal €4 parking fee for the UpperLake car park has been kindly waived for the event.


Tranquillity Sunday

All are welcome to Glendalough Hermitage Centre between 10.30 am and 4.30 pm on 4th May, our next Tranquillity Sunday.  This is a chance to celebrate the Sabbath in silence, prayer and rest.  Phone 087-9356696 or just drop in.


Kirikee Drama Group

Congratulations to the Kirikee Drama group on another wonderful production.  Mother Knows Best had the audience laughing out loud as the story unfolded with all its twists and turns.  Well done to all involved.


Czech Twinning Visit

Preparations for the visit of our Czech friends from 22nd to 27th May inclusive have now been finalised.  Anyone interested in participating in any way is still however very welcome.  Please contact Brendan at 0404-45167 for further information.


Comhaltas Music & Dance Classes

You can learn traditional Irish music and dance with the Roundwood branch of Comhaltas (guitar, fiddle, flute, tin whistle and grupa ceoil).  For more details phone 087-2841604 or email

Blessing of Graves

Glendalough cemetery will be blessed on Friday May 9th at 8 pm.  Brockagh cemetery will be blessed on Friday May 16th after 7 pm Mass in St. Kevin’s Church.


Scoil Chaoimhín Naofa

Sponsored Walk

Thank you to all those who supported our recent sponsored walk – the sponsors, parents, family members and of course the walkers themselves.  It was a ‘marathon’ walk and over €3,000 was raised for the school.  Thank you.

First Communion

Rang 2 will be celebrating the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Saturday 11th May.  Múinteoir Rosemary is busy preparing the children with the help of the Do This in Memory team from the parish.  Please keep them all in your thoughts during these final weeks of preparation.

Clothing Collection

If you are currently doing a spring clean/clear-out of clothes, we would welcome them for our fund-raising collection.  It is an opportunity to both recycle and support the school.  New and used men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, footwear, belts, handbags, hats, linen and household textiles (in any condition once they are clean) are all acceptable.  Old mobile phones are also accepted but wrapped separately please!  All items should be left into the school before 9.30 am on May 13th.


Rathdrum Cancer Support Group

Rathdrum Cancer Support Group is very active in the mid-Wicklow area and is a great support to many in our community at a very difficult time in their lives.  The group provides information, support, transport and the opportunity to discuss issues in a confidential and safe environment.  For further information on any of the group’s services or to offer to become a volunteer, contact the secretary on 087-6917675 or e-mail


Please leave articles for the next issue into W. McCoy’s by 20th May; alternatively email them to

This Newsletter is produced by the Parish Development & Renewal Group

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