Laragh Glendalough Notes week beg 10 March
Visiting Choir
Rincon University High School Choir will sing at 11.30 a.m Mass in St. Kevin’s Church on Sunday 16 March with our local choir. We invite people to come along and be uplifted by their beautiful singing.
The Glendalough & District Development Association AGM takes place on Tuesday 25 March at 8 p.m. in the Brockagh Resource Centre.
6km Trail Run-Jog-or-Walk
The Laragh-Glendalough 6km Trail Run-Jog-or-Walk will take place on Saturday March 15 2014 at 10 a.m.. All monies from registration and refreshments will fund Scoil Chaoimhin Naofa from where the race with start and finish. This trail run promises to be a fantastic event that will bring together the community and the walkers and runners that frequent the Wicklow mountains. Registration 12 euro excluding CC charges via More information including route at
Clara Ladies
Our adult team got off to a winning start last Sunday with a great win over Barndarraig. It was an all round great team performance, keep up the good work ladies. Training continues this Wednesday at 7.30 in the Brockagh Centre in Laragh. We would like to thank Roundwood for the practice match last week. The juveniles have a registration night this coming Friday the 7th of March at 7 in Laragh GAA pitch. We would like to congratulate Becky Cassin at minor level, Heather Cullen U16 and Kerri-Anne Murphy, Lauren Carter and Danielle Singleton at U14 who represented the club at county level.
Mobile Library
The mobile library is in Laragh every second Thursday. The first 10 minutes are usually outside the Brockagh Centre and then the mobile library goes down outside Lynhams. The next date is Thursday 20 March.
Citizen’s Information
The Citizen’s Information Centre at the Brockagh Centre is open on 1 and 3 Tuesday of the month. The next date is Tuesday 18 March from 10 a.m. until 12 noon for information relating to your rights and entitlements. No appointment necessary. This is a free and confidential service.
Wicklow Man
The Wicklow Man every Tuesday night at the Brockagh Centre from 9.30 p.m.
Community Awareness of Drugs
Who talks to your children about drugs? The C.A.D. “Family Focus” programme
is a series of six two and a half hour sessions which provides participants with an opportunity to: Update information on drugs and their effects, Explore attitudes, beliefs and
decisions related to drug misuse, Develop a family-orientated drug prevention strategy . What Parents Say – “ Every parent should do this course”, “ It gave me a lot of information to talk over with family and friends”. To register your interest call us on (0404) 45600
Get Online Course (Benefit 4)
Book into our 4 week online learning course this week. Learn lots of useful online fun and practical things to do. Friendly, pressure free environment, for free if you are over 65yrs and €15 if you are under. We welcome back all our previous Online Students that did Benefit 3 or Benefit 4 courses. Call Laragh IT on (0404) 45600.
Basketry Workshop
A new one day basketry course takes place on Saturday 22March at the Brockagh Centre from 9.30 a.m. until 4.30 p.m.. The course will teach you the basic techniques required to make a traditional skib/potato basket to take home. Cost 70 euro per person (materials and tools supplied). If you have your own secateurs bring it along. There will be tea, coffee and biscuits provided, please bring your own packed lunch. No experience is required. Advance booking and payment is required to ensure your place. For more details, please contact Aoife at 087-9773622 or email
AA Meetings
Closed AA Meetings are held in the Brockagh Resource Centre at 8.30 pm every Monday night. If you think that you may have a problem with alcohol please come along.