The Glendalough & District Development Association AGM takes place on Tuesday 25 March at 8 p.m. in the Brockagh Resource Centre.
Shamrock Trail Run
A great turn-out for the inaugural Shamrock Trail Run in aid of Scoil Chaoimhin Naofa. Great atmosphere, organisation, trail, weather, volunteers and treats afterwards. Well done to all involved.
Mobile Library
The mobile library is in Laragh every second Thursday. The first 10 minutes are usually outside the Brockagh Centre and then the mobile library goes down outside Lynhams. The next date is Thursday 20 March.
Wicklow Man
The Wicklow Man every Tuesday night at the Brockagh Centre from 9.30 p.m.
Get Online Course (Benefit 4)
Book into our 4 week online learning course this week. Learn lots of useful online fun and practical things to do. Friendly, pressure free environment, for free if you are over 65yrs and €15 if you are under. We welcome back all our previous Online Students that did Benefit 3 or Benefit 4 courses. Call Laragh IT on (0404) 45600.
Basketry Workshop
A new one day basketry course takes place on Saturday 22March at the Brockagh Centre from 9.30 a.m. until 4.30 p.m.. The course will teach you the basic techniques required to make a traditional skib/potato basket to take home. Cost 70 euro per person (materials and tools supplied). If you have your own secateurs bring it along. There will be tea, coffee and biscuits provided, please bring your own packed lunch. No experience is required. Advance booking and payment is required to ensure your place. For more details, please contact Aoife at 087-9773622 or email wicklowwillow@gmail.com.
AA Meetings
Closed AA Meetings are held in the Brockagh Resource Centre at 8.30 pm every Monday night. If you think that you may have a problem with alcohol please come along.