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Events at a Glance (further details below)
Saturday 29th March & Saturday 19th April
Living Willow Workshop. Call Aoife on 087 9773622 |
Sunday 30th March
W.W.O.O.F. Comes to Glendalough. Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms. 1pm displays, snacks, information. (Also on Fri Night at GAN session) |
Monday 31st March | Footfalls Step Out with Sarah Stacey at 7pm in Glendalough Hotel then on Thurs at 7pm in Brockagh Centre for weigh in (optional) & walk. Call Sarah on 087 6235510 |
Monday 31st March | BootCamp with Paul Healy 8.15-9pm. Call 087-2484570 |
Sunday 6th April | Car Boot Sale 11am-4pm. Vans must be booked in (0404) 45600.
Thursday 10th April | New Get Yourself on Line (For Men Only). 11am-1pm Call (0404) 45600
Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th April | Kirikee Drama Group presents a hilarious comedy Mother Knows Best 8pm on both nights .
Thursday 24th April | Kinesiology Clinic. For appointments or further info call Rosaleen Durkin at 087-2195931
Regular Events
- Tuesday night Dance Night with the Wicklow Man from 9.30pm
- Citizen’s Information 1st & 3rd Tuesday month 10am to 12 noon – 1st and 15th April
- Mobile Library every second Thurs – 12noon until 12.50 pm. Thursday 3rd and 17th April.
- Closed AA meetings every Monday night 8.30pm – newcomers welcome
- Car Boot Sale 1st Sunday every month from February to November – Next one 6th April
- Adult Guidance Service 1st Monday of month 11am -1pm– (book app Irene 086 8061569 – may also be available other days by appointment).
Saturday 29th March
Living Willow Workshop – This full day course will teach you the basic techniques required to make living willow tunnels, arches and fencing for your garden. The course will take place on Saturday 29th March & Saturday 19th April from 9.30 a.m. until 4.30 p.m. The course will take place outdoors at the Brockagh Resource Centre. Cost 70 euro per person (materials and tools supplied). If you have your own secateurs bring it along. There will be tea, coffee and biscuits provided, please bring your own packed lunch. As this course will take place outdoors, please wear sturdy boots and bring along waterproof clothing and a good warm coat and hat. Advance booking and payment is required to ensure your place. For bookings or queries please call Aoife on 087 9773622 or email wicklowwillow@gmail.com
Sunday 30th March
W.W.O.O.F. Comes to Glendalough. As part of the Glendalough Arts Network (GAN) Fireside Session starting at 7.30 pm on Friday 28th March in Glendalough Green, WWOOF Ireland will make a presentation about the ‘History of WWOOF’ (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms). This will be followed by other ‘elements’ including music from GAN and WWOOF members – food and wine will be available.
Then on Sunday 30th March, the WWOOF Ireland Team invites you to a lunchtime information session from 1 pm in the Green Room of the Brockagh Centre. There will be displays and information to take away and some organic lunchtime snacks to sample!
Monday 31st March
Footfalls Step Out – A new Walking & Weight Loss Program beginning the 31st of March. Meeting @ 7pm in the coffee lounge of the Glendalough Hotel for our first walk. The program will include walking with a group on Mondays @7pm meeting in Glendalough. A weigh in (optional) and a short group meeting will be held on Thursdays @7pm at the Brockagh Centre Laragh followed by a walk. Cost €5. Come along, meet new people, continue or begin your weight loss journey with Footfalls Step Out. Please Contact Sarah @0876235510. Email:ffstepout@outlook.ie for more information
Monday 31st March
Leinster Nutrition’s Bootcamps have helped numerous people to achieve their dreams to; Get in shape, Lose weight, Tone up, Become strong. A new 10 week session is starting on Monday 31st March to help you achieve yours. Our Bootcamp classes are for both male and female and will be a mixture of cardio, circuit, core work, kettelbells and boxercise (punching a pad). The classes are for beginner level fitness at first & will increase in difficulty slightly as the classes progress. You will have tons more energy from training. As you progress fitness test are optional and when you move up a level you get a different coloured tee-shirt. The black tee-shirt is the ultimate goal. Bootcamp is booked in blocks of 10 classes for €80 on your first class. This will include a free T-shirt. If you don’t want to commit to a block of ten classes you can Pay-as-you-go for €10 per class. Classes for Men and Women every Monday evening in the Brockagh Resource Centre 8.15 – 9.00pm. Contact Paul Healy on 087-2484570 to book your place www.leinster nutrition.com
Sunday 6th April
The next Car Boot Sale will take place on Sunday 6th April 2014. Vans must be booked in. For those who haven’t yet done their spring clean this is a great opportunity to de-clutter. The car boot sale is also a great place to get a bargain with many items nearly new and some new. We also have great food stalls with home-baking, jams, plants and crafts. Contact the Brockagh Centre on 0404-45600.
Saturday & Sunday 12th & 13th April
Kirikee Drama Group – Kirikee Drama Group are presenting “Mother Knows Best” a hilarious comedy, by Jimmy Keary at the Brockagh Centre on Saturday and Sunday 12th and 13th April at 8 p.m. While doing a painting job for the McDermotts, Nick Cassidy renews a friendship with their youngest daughter, Suzy. The two begin dating, much to the disapproval of Suzy’s mother, Tess, who is hoping to make a match for her daughter with stuffy financial consultant, Adrian Bird. Tess resolves to break up the young couple by whatever means she can. However, such is Tess’ pre-occupation with her daughter’s love-life, she fails to notice that her own husband, Harry is falling under the spell of her man-hungry golfing partner, Dulcie Cotter. Matters come to a head when Nick’s workmate, Joe Galligan breaks into McDermott’s, looking for money to pay off his gambling debts. During the theft, Tess’ plotting is exposed and Harry comes to a fateful decision.
Thursday 10th April
Get Yourself Online. This course offers to help those with little experience of the internet. The course provides an easy step-by-step course where you will discover: email attachments, search engines, on-line transactions such as paying motor tax, podcasts, playbacks, on-line safety and security, skype, on-line banking, buying on line. This is a free 4 week course (2hrs per class) morning or evening, for those over 65 and costs €15 to those under 65. The even better news is that those who have done our previous Benefit 3 or Benefit 4 course are elegible for funding again. Please register your interest as soon as possible. Call us on (0404) 45600.
Thursday 24th April
Kinesiology Clinic – The next kinesiology clinic dates at the Brockagh Centre take place on Thursday 24th April. The kinesiology session for children and adults uses muscle bio feedback testing to test common food sensitivities (dairy, gluten, wheat, sugar, eggs, tomatoes etc) and also detects and corrects mineral and nutritional imbalances in the body. Common complaints treated are sleeping problems, digestive problems, skin conditions, anxiety, concentration problems and many more conditions. Rosaleen also works with children and adults with learning difficulties(AD/HD Dyslexia, Asperger’s Syndrome). For appointments or further info call Rosaleen Durkin at 087-2195931 Website: rosaleendurkin.com.