AA Meetings (Ongoing)
Closed AA Meetings are held in the Brockagh Resource Centre at 8.30 p.m. every Monday night. All are welcome to come along.
Walking group in the Brockagh
On Monday mornings weekly at 10am join the Laragh walking group at the Brockagh Resource Centre for a walk around the Glendalough area for approximately one hour. This is a great way to meet and chat with others and with no fee involved. No need to book, just show up on the day.
Brockagh Country Market(carboot)Feb 9th
Our next event is early back this year and is on Sunday, Feb 9th. With Valentine’s Day around the corner you are sure to pick up a lovely gift for your loved ones. Come shop indoor and outdoor with beautiful handmade crafts and plenty of bargains and from gifts, clothes, plants, books, toys, skincare products, candles, art, tools, household items etc. You might be a keen bargain hunter or enjoy browsing for affordable gifts. Open to the public from 10am to 3pm. Tea, coffee and food snacks are available. Our tasty Hot Dog and Burger is an affordable treat for the family lunch!!
The barrier will be locked from 6pm Saturday evening until 8am Sunday morning. You can contact us by phone 0404 45600 (Mon-Fri 9am to 4pm) or email brockaghoffice@gmail.com. All stallholders must pre book their space or no entry on the day. www.brockaghresourcecentre.ie. The Brockagh Market(carboot) is once a month on the 2nd Sun(except Jan/Feb).
Laragh/Glendalough Tidy Towns
Last Saturday we had a great turnout of volunteers along with our Junior TT volunteers to help mulch the beds. The mulch was kindly donated to us by our local tree surgeon, David Holden. It will make a big difference to the plants in the coming year and to our new plants, we are planning to plant in the spring.
Knock Trip
There will be a Pilgrimage to Knock on Divine Mercy Sunday 27th April 2025. Leaving Memorial Park, Rahdrum at 7.30am sharp, Roundwood 8am. Breakfast, Dinner and Bus €80 per person. Contact Susan at 087 627 3032 all names and money before 1st March 2025.
Roundwood ICA Needs You!
The Irish Countrywomen’s Association are restarting their Roundwood guild and we are looking for members.
Come to a taster crochet class in Roundwood Parish Hall 7-9pm Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025 where we will learn a new craft and chat about joining the ICA. For more information please call or email: 00 353 857835076 or caitdubh4@gmail.com.
Brockagh Digital Hub
We have Dedicated (Daily/Weekly/Monthly) Desks and Pod with High Speed Broadband Connection. Our Shared Working Space is located in the heart of County Wicklow with panoramic views of the stunning Glendalough Valley. Free parking, fridge, self catering facility for making tea/coffee, outdoor seating and lift access.
Daily rate €20, Half day rate €15, Weekly rate €80 and Daily Student rate of €15 (Must produce a valid Student Card)
For Monthly or Yearly Rates please contact the Manager 0404 45600.
Email: brockaghoffice@gmail.com or brockaghhub@gmail.com to book. Please check into the Main Office on Arrival (Open Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm). For more information visit our website www.brockaghresourcecentre.ie.