Cancer Awareness Coffee Morning There will be a coffee morning in aid of Breast Cancer Ireland in the Brockagh Resource Centre, Laragh on October 26th from 10am to 12.30pm. All are welcome to come along support a cause that has…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 8th Oct 2018
Public Notice A section of the Wicklow Way, outside Laragh village will be closed in the interest of public safety. The foot bridge on this section of the Wicklow Way has been closed for repairs. The repair of the bridge…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 1st Oct 2018
Glendalough Car Boot Sales Join fellow shoppers for our next car boot day on Sun, 7th of Oct., open from 10am to 4pm. Come early to find your bargains on practically anything from household items to garden additions, and even…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 24th Sept 2018
Footfalls Wicklow Walking Festival The Festival will be based in the Brockagh Resource Centre, Laragh from Friday 26th to Mon 29th of October with many of the walks taking us through Wicklow Mountains National Park. All walks are led by experienced walking leaders…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 17th Sept 2018
Footfalls Wicklow Walking Festival The Festival will be based in the Brockagh Resource Centre, Laragh from Friday 26th to Mon 29th of October with many of the walks taking us through Wicklow Mountains National Park. All walks are led by experienced walking leaders…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 3rd Sept 2018
Laragh Community First Responder Group Now we have our Public Access Defibrillator installed at Willie McCoy’s shop, we have been having information evenings over the past number of months. A certified CFR training course will be held in the Glen…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 27th Aug 2018
Glendalough Car Boot Sales Join fellow shoppers for car boot day on Sun, 2nd of Sept, open from 10am to 4pm. Come early to find your bargains on practically anything from household items to garden additions, and even vintage or…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 20th Aug 2018
Dragon Day Workshop with Val Young Val Young back at the Brockagh Centre, Laragh on Sunday September 23rd from 10am to 5pm. Val is honoured to be invited back to Ireland to this special place. The day involves three meditations,…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 13th Aug 2018
Award Night -Wicklow Uplands Council Photo Competition 2018 Wicklow Uplands Council will be awarding the winnersof the 2018 Photo Competition in the Brockagh Resource Centre, Laragh on Tuesday 21st of August at 7pm. We would like to thank everyone who…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 6th Aug 2018
Maintenance Person/Car Park Attendant The Brockagh Resource Centre wishes to recruit a part-time maintenance person/car park attendant. Applicants must be eligible for the Community Services Programme (eligibility is confined to those in receipt of certain DEASP payments, Contact the manager,…