Walking group in the Brockagh On Monday mornings weekly at 10am join the Laragh walking group at the Brockagh Resource Centre for a walk around the Glendalough area for approximately one hour. No need to book, just show up on…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 19th Aug
Free Electrical Recycling Day Get rid of your electrical recycling on Saturday 31st of August, 10am to 4pm at McGrels Primary Care Centre, Blessington, Co. Wicklow. W91 F5X4. Hosted by Weee Ireland https://www.weeeireland.ie/household-recycling/ Laragh Badminton Club – Starting Back Sept…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 12th Aug
Mobile Library A mobile comes to Laragh every second Thursday from 12.15 to 12.50pm and parks at the back of Lynhams Hotel. Phone on 087 9135229 or email library@wicklowcoco.ie. For people who have difficulty accessing their nearest public library, the…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 29th July
An Evening with Vivienne Cardin The Brockagh Resource Centre in Association with the well known Internationally Recognized Psychic Medium Vivienne Cardin presents a night of Clairvoyance, Mediumship, and Angelic Connection in our Mountain View Room on Sat 14th of September…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 22nd July
Fitness Class Coming to the Brockagh Exciting new low impact fitness class coming to the Brockagh Resource Centre in Laragh. Affordable classes, great value, music that makes exercise more enjoyable, friendly vibe in a sociable atmosphere. Starting Wednesday September 11th…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 15th July
Clara Vale Summer Fair Join us on Sunday, August 11th for the annual Clara Vale Summer Fair! There will be a bake sale, raffle, refreshing teas and coffees, and plenty of fun activities for everyone! Don’t miss out – see…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 8th July
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 8th July Brockagh Country Market 14th July Our next event is on Sunday, July 14th. Come shop indoor and outdoor with a variety of items for sale with beautiful handmade crafts and plenty of bargains…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 1st July
Laragh Glendalough Tidy Town Many congratulations to the Cluain Bán Residents Association which was recently formed at a meeting in Lynham’s Hotel in Laragh. The following officers were elected to the Cluain Ban Residents Association committee: Michael Brennan, Chairperson; Fiona…
Summer Lectures at Wicklow Mountains National Park
We are delighted to announce the following talks over the summer of 2024. We have a wide range of talks scheduled. Where: Glen of Imaal Mountain Rescue Base, Laragh, Co. Wicklow, A98VY72. Practicalities: Free of charge. Allow between 1-1/2…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 17th June
Elevation Cheer and Acro Summer Camp We are holding our annual summer camp in the Brockagh Resource Centre Laragh for children aged 4+. Our camps are for those who love to dance and learn new skills! Camps will consist of…