Brockagh Resource Centre The Brockagh Resource Centre would like to congratulate Bray Wheelers for the successful running of the Christy McManus & Ronnie Coates Memorial Race 2021 last Sat. The Brockagh Resource Centre were delighted to host the first monthly…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 7th June 2021
St Kevin’s Church Clean up of St. Kevin’s church grounds on Tuesday 8th of June at 7pm. All help greatly appreciated. Brockagh Resource Centre Clothes Bank Give your unwanted clothes to the Brockagh Resource Centre clothes bank, located at the…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 31st May 2021
St Kevin’s Church Clean up of St. Kevin’s church grounds on Tuesday 8th of June at 7pm. All help greatly appreciated. AA Meetings Closed AA Meetings are held in the Brockagh Resource Centre at 8.30 p.m. every Monday night all…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 24th May 2021
Available Places for Montessori Pre-School Tiny Feet Montessori Pre-School in Brockagh Resource Centre Building offers an additional afternoon session from 12.45 pm to 3.45 pm for September 2021 (sufficient number of children, provided, ECCE scheme). Please contact Suzy Kenna on…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 17th May 2021
Scrap Metal Day Finished Thank you everyone who contributed to the recent scrap collection we had organised. This is now over with a successful amount collected. You can contact the Brockagh Resource Centre by phone on 0404 45600( Mon-Fri 9am-5pm),…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 19th April 2021
Scrap Metal Day It’s that time again to clear out your yard of unwanted scrap metal . The Brockagh Resource Centre will be having another scrap collection from Friday 30th to the 4th of May to raise funds for the…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 12th April 2021
‘Spring into Storytime’ Wicklow County Council Library Service is organising a series of virtual events and activities as part of the Public Libraries’ annual ‘Spring into Storytime’.The programme launched on April 1st promises to bring the magic of storytime to…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 5th April 2021
AA Meetings …
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 29th March 2021
AA Meetings …
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 22nd March 2021
Wicklow Willow Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Wicklow Willow installed two willow shamrock sculptures in Laragh and Glendalough for St.Patrick’s Day to the delight of the local community, celebrating in a unique way for 2021. If you wish to make contact:…