Parish Spring Sale Come along on Saturday, 12th of May from 1pm to 3pm at RDA Hall, Rathdrum for a great raffle and lots of tasty baking, plants etc. for sale. In aid of Rathdrum and Derralossary with Glenealy Parish…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 30th April
Parish Spring Sale Come along on Saturday, 12th of May from 1pm to 3pm at RDA Hall, Rathdrum for a great raffle and lots of tasty baking, plants etc. for sale. In aid of Rathdrum and Derralossary with Glenealy Parish…
Laragh Community First Responders
As a follow up to the training last November, we are having refresher training on the 15 May 2018 at 7:30 pm. The exact location of where the training will take place is to be finalised. In the meantime. Save…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 23rd April
Glendalough Car Boot Sales Join us for the next Car Boot on 6th of May. Bargains to be snapped up on items like, collectables, clothes and accessories, books, candles, gifts for upcoming birthdays and of course get your appetite working…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 9th April
Scrap Metal Day Clean up your home or Farmyard for free on Sat 14th of April from 9 – 4pm. To view the kind of scrap acceptable, go to Brockagh Resource Centre Facebook page or our website at This…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 2nd April
Cycle4Familes Ronald McDonald House will be doing their annual cycle on Saturday 28th of April at Avon Rí Lakeshore Resort, Blessington. There will be a 100km through the Sally Gap and Wicklow Gap, 50km twice around the Blessington Lakes and…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 26th March
Blessing of the Graves. Will be held in Glendalough on Saturday, 12th of May at 8pm. (In the event of inclement weather prayers will be said in St. Kevin’s Church immediately after the 7pm mass approx 7.45pm). Brockagh Blessing of…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 19th March
Glendalough Car Boot Sales …
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 12th March
Glendalough Car Boot Sales Unfortunately our Sun 4th March Car Boot had to be cancelled because of the weather but do join us for the next Car Boot on Easter Sunday. Bargains to be snapped up on items like,…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 5th March
Packer High School Chorus Visits Laragh We welcome Packer High School Chorus from New York to the Brockagh Resource Centre on Tuesday the 20th March from 11.15 to 12pm, free entry for everyone to see their musical performance…