Bright Stars Events Upcoming events for our Wednesday mornings parent and toddler group: At 10.30am on 8th November and December 6th join us for a musical morning with the popular Moo Music. There will also be a paediatric talk with…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 23rd Oct 2023
Laragh Badminton Badminton on Thursday evening is full from 6pm to 7pm and we unfortunately can not accommodate any more participants at this time. Scrap Collection Donate your scrap at the Brockagh Resource Centre from the 27th – 31st Oct.…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 16th Oct 2023
Scrap Collection Donate your scrap at the Brockagh Resource Centre from the 27th – 31st Oct. Some of the items you can bring are biscuit tins, steel oil tanks, steel window frames, steel coal bunkers, car batteries, radiators, solid fuel…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 14th Aug 2023
Yoga with Louise Vinyasa Krama Yoga (step-by-step). Classes are starting 14th Sept from 10am to 11.20am in the Brockagh Resource Centre, Laragh. The practice will provide gentle stretching, improved strength and flexibility, as well as help students to find balance…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 24th July 2023
Brockagh Market & Car Boot Sunday 13th August The Brockagh Market & Car Boot is once a month on the 2nd Sun(except Jan/Feb). Open to the public from 10am to 3pm. We are back soon with a great selection of …
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 3rd July 2023
Brockagh Market & Car Boot Sunday 9th July The Brockagh Market & Car Boot is once a month on the 2nd Sun(except Jan/Feb). Open to the public from 10am to 3pm.Tea, coffee and food snacks are available. Indoor and outdoor…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 24th April 2023
Wicklow Mountains National Park National Park staff are taking to the skies. With an orange fire warning in place, we are all on fire patrol, keeping our National Park safe. You can help too. Please do not light barbeques or…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 5th Dec 2022
Brockagh Christmas Carboot Sun 11th Every year our Car Boot has a special day for Christmas celebrating everything festive so if you want more decorations or some last minute gifts come along and shop with great bargains to be had.…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 17th Oct 2022
Crafty Crafters The Brockagh Resource Centre, Laragh is reaching out to anyone who would like to share a creative space with like minded people who enjoy being creative, sharing ideas and would like to connect with other people who share…
Brockagh Market & Car Boot on 10th July
It is that time of the month again to have a browse and get those bargains! Open to the public from 10am to 3pm.Tea, coffee and food snacks are available. Indoor and outdoor stalls with a variety of items for…