Laragh Active Retirement Active Retirement Group will now be resuming their weekly Tuesday morning meetings on 9th Nove at 11am in the Brockagh Centre. The Active Retirement group meets every Tuesday morning from 11am – 12pm in the Brockagh Centre…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week Beg 28th Sept
Tree Day 2020 Wildlife National Park is holding a 90min guided nature walk looking at some spectacular trees in Glendalough, starting at 11am. Booking is essential, with a maximum of 10 attendees. Phone 0404 45425 or Adult Art Adult…
Laragh Glendalough Notes Week beg 24th Sept 2018
Footfalls Wicklow Walking Festival The Festival will be based in the Brockagh Resource Centre, Laragh from Friday 26th to Mon 29th of October with many of the walks taking us through Wicklow Mountains National Park. All walks are led by experienced walking leaders…